Major Changes to Church Events

The Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga 97th General Conference has been postponed and will not occur on June 23-29 as previously planned.


The decision was made by consensus general agreement between three executive governing bodies; Board of Chief Trustees, His Majesty King Tupou VI, and the Conference [Standing] Committee. The decision was made to postpone the 97th General Conference that was planned for June 23-29, 2020; to halt the ongoing and growing spread of the Novel CoronaVirus. The new dates for the 97th General Conference are yet to be confirmed. There is a chance that the General Conference would take place in 2021.

The President of the Church and Conference [Standing] Committee will continue on administering the Church on a day to day basis until the next General Conference. During this time, the Conference [Standing] Committee will have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the General Conference.


The following changes are effective as of today, Thursday 19th March 2020:

  • General Conference for the Youth planned for June 18-22. Postponed.
  • All Constitution binding duties such as ballot for the President, ballot for the General Secretary, Choosing Probationary Ministers, Ordination of Ministers, Stewards and Ministers’ Appointments and the Church Budget Report; are to be postponed.
  • The retiring Ministers can retire from their duties.
  • The President of the Church and the Conference [Standing] Committee have the authority to execute any appointments as they may see fit with the purpose of the Church.
  • Local Churches are to continue on with the restrictions as per previous notices and act appropriately to avoid spreading the virus in our communities. All congregations are encouraged to act wisely in terms of holding services. Family worship services (at home) might be an option for the COVID-19 affected communities.
  • All Youth programs are postponed.
  • Holy Week program will be conducted at the homes as family worship services.
  • Children Day (Fakamē) has canceled.
  • Finding the Lost Sheep program is to be conducted with extreme care.
  • Easter Camp will run at home as a family function.
  • All Methodist Women's Federation activities are to be served at home.

Konifelenisi 2021

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Daily Readings

Lau Folofola Faka'aho


Grace is the “the free and unmerited act of God through which we, the fallen creatures, are restored to God’s original favour” -- John Wesley.