Mission Statements

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  1. Ko e tui ki he tataki ‘a e ‘Eiki ko Sisu Kalaisí ‘a e taula ke ne pukepuke ‘a e Siasí mei he ngaahi taʻau feliliuaki ‘o e senituli 21. To respond to the call of Jesus in faith amid the rapid changes of this 21st Century.
  2. Ke fakapapauʻi ‘oku longomoʻui pea hōhoamālie ‘a e ngaahi polokalama ngāue ‘a e Siasí pea mo ‘ene ngaahi maʻunga kelesí ke mahino ‘okú ne pukepuke lelei mo matauhi hono kau memipá. To strengthen and transform the churchʻs ministry, worship and services to better sustain all members.
  3. Ke ngāueʻaki ha ngaahi founga ‘oku fenāpasi mo e ngaahi tūkunga kehekehe ‘o e moʻui ‘a e kakaí, kae fakapapauʻi ‘oku kei fakahaaʻi totonu ai pē ‘a e tui, tōtōʻonga lotu, akonaki mo e ngāue fakalaumālie ‘a e Siasí. To express faith, worship, prayer, teaching and ministry in ways designed to effectively meet the different needs of diverse groups of people.
  4. Ke hoko pē ‘a e Siasí ko e fale hūfanga ki he taha kotoa, pea ‘oku nau ‘atā ai kotoa pē ke kau ki he Sino-hā-mai ‘o e ‘Eikí, ‘o ‘ikai ha lau tuʻunga pe faʻahinga. To be an inclusive church where all people, regardless of age, gender or status, are valued members of the Body of Christ.
  5. Ke fakataulama lelei ‘e he Siasí ‘a e anga ‘o e nofo ‘a e kakaí, ‘i he ngaahi meʻa ‘oku hoko fakalotofonua mo fakamamani lahi. To be relevant and connected to the wider community - local and international.
  6. Ke tofa ha hala lelei ‘okú ne fakatupulekina ‘a e kahaʻu ‘o e Siasí pea ke fokotuʻutuʻu ‘ene ngaahi polokalamá ke hōhoa mālie mo e ngaahi taumuʻa ‘a e ‘Otuá. To plan for future growth by fully organising the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga, its programmes and its church-life around the purposes of God.

Daily Readings

Lau Folofola Faka'aho


Grace is the “the free and unmerited act of God through which we, the fallen creatures, are restored to God’s original favour” -- John Wesley.