Constitution English Translation

The following is an unofficial translation of the Church Book of Constitution, Regulations, and Basic Teachings. Upon ratification by the General Conference, the translation will become official. In the meantime, as the project awaits approval, this translation serves to assist all legal obligations that might require the English version of our Book of Constitution, Regulations, and Basic Teachings.


Hits: 3465



The conference shall have the power to appoint Committees for the following:    

(A) To the Colleges.

(E) To the Sunday school and the various schools.

(F) To the Book Publishing.

(H) To the Overseas work.

(I) A committee to manage the funds.

(K) Any other matters that the Conference thinks it appropriate to appoint a Committee to. (i) The Main Trustees. (ii) The Conference Committee. (iii) The Conference Committee of the Ministers (iv) The Advisory Committees to the various regions. (A) Vava’u. (E) Ha’apai. (F) ‘Eua. (H) Niua Toputapu. (I) Niua Fo’ou. (v) Education and Scholarships Committee. (vi) Committee for Sia’atoutai and Education to assist Ministers and Stewards. (vii) Development Committee. (viii) Assets and Land Committee. (ix) Constitution Committee. (x) Committee for Christian Education. (xi) Evangelism Committee.  (xii) Finance Committee (xiii) Construction Committee. (xiv) Communications Committee. (xv) Taulua Board. (xvi) The Book shop Board. (xvii) Council for the Churches. (xviii) Music Committee. (xix) Committee for the Women’s Department. (xx) Taulama Committee. (xxi) Board for Overseas work. (xxii) Tungi Colonnade Board of Trustees.

2. The President or the Chairing Minister is to chair the various committees, and each committee can select a secretary to keep the Record of the meeting, and to report to the Conference.


A Committee between Conferences will be established each year during the yearly meeting of the Conference, to look after the matters that will occur between the yearly Conferences. The Committee will begin its work at the conclusion of the Conference.

These are the matters that the Committee will have responsibility and authority for:

  1. Anything that was not part of a decision made by the Conference or the Laws.
  2. To implement the decisions and the various tasks that the Conference directed to be carried out.

a)      To decide on ways which they think fit to audit the Financial Accounts of the Church and to forward a report to the Conference each year.

e)      The decisions on matters relating to the Ministers will be implemented, and this will be carried out by members of the Committee dealing with the affairs of the Ministers. The Conference Committee on matters to do with the Ministers will consist of the Ministers who are members of the Conference Committee of every year.

f)       The Conference Committee will be selected each year. (A person who has been selected to be a representative at a Conference is eligible for selection to this Committee.)

  1. The Committee will forward a report to the Conference relating to all the work that has been done between Conferences. The same applies to Ministers’ matters for their Conference.
  2. It is up to the Conference to review the various work of the Committee, to confirm it or make another decision.
  3. A Committee for the Northern Region will be established to advise the Chairing Minister.



1. There will be a Managing Committee to oversee and manage all property of the

Educational Institutions as well as the financial matters except for those things that are related to the lessons and the living of the children that have been authorised by the Education President, and the Education Committee and the School Principals to be responsible for.

The aim of the Education Department of the Church is to prepare students in all aspects of life, in accordance with the Teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. These are the details of that Aim:

        i.            To assist and strengthen the development and devotion to the ways of life, belief, and Christian aspirations in every aspect of the work and life of men.

      ii.            To teach all students in order that they acquire sufficient knowledge to guide them in their education and to provide them with the opportunity to attain ideas and knowledge that are wider and superior which will assist them in their encounter with life changes.

    iii.            To teach the students to obtain enough knowledge:

  1. In the skills that they should have in their encounter with this changing world.
  2. To enable their talents to bear fruit so they could live a useful life and do useful work.

2. The Committee will meet no less than once a Quarter. A report will be done on

the work that has been done, and it is up to the Conference to authorise any further work to be done. The Committee should be particularly vigilant in relation to the financial procedures and there will be no expense incurred unless decided upon by the Committee.

(3) (a) The Committee will be called the Managing Committee of the Colleges, and included in Tongatapu will be Tupou High School, Tupou College, Queen Salote College and the Intermediate Schools.

(e) Included in the Committee will be the President, Chief Secretary, Education President, School Principals, Head Tutors, Two Inspectors, Ministers and Representatives as decided by the Conference.

(f) In the Other Regions, it will be the Managing Committee of the Two Colleges and the Intermediate School.

(4) The Committee and the Conference Committee will confer in the matters that are too expensive, to decide what needs to be done and the Committee will be authorised to advise the Conference Committee in the procedures that should be followed:

(a) For the Conference to decide the increase in the School fees of the Various Educational Institutions.

(e) For the Colleges of Ha’apai and Vava’u to become Conference Colleges.

(f) For the decision to close all Educational Institutions, but to go through the Various Meetings.

5. If a meeting is to be held, these are the questions to be asked:

(a) Who is here with us?

(e) How are the buildings and school furniture?

(f) What are the financial reports of the Educational Institutions?

(h) Is there anything that we can do to increase the growth of the work, or any work that we can authorise to be done?

(i) Is there anything that we should take note of?

(k) When and where will be the next meeting?


  1. The President and the Education Committee will take care of any matters relating to the lessons and the educational work.
  2. It is in the Trustees of the District where the Primary School is situated, the property and building and residence that are there and the Trustees must be involved in keeping them well maintained.
  3. There will be a District Education Committee to assist the School Principal and the Trustees and this will include the School Principal and Trustees with two Trustees from each village. The Minister can appoint to the Committee any person from each village. The Minister will chair it, and there will be at least one meeting a Quarter.
  4. The focus of the assistance by the Committee will be on the school furniture and the ways of obtaining finance, and it will discuss matters to assist the greater improvement of the educational work.
  5. If there is any repair or improvement or building to be built, the Committee will consider how this is to be financed. If the expenses are divided between the Trustees in a District, this will be done in proportion to the number of Wesleyan people in the villages, unless the Committee approves of another way.
  6. The Education President must confirm all expenses and he will refer anything that he thinks fit to the Education Committee and the Conference Committee.
  7. If a meeting is to be held, it will be conducted with these questions:

(a) Who is here with us?

(e) How are the buildings and the school furniture?

(f) What is the financial report?

(h) What can we do to greatly improve the work, or any work that we will authorise to be done?

(i) Is there anything that we are concerned about?

(k) Where and when will be the next meeting?


1. The Conference can appoint a Committee for the Divinity Colleges which will include the President, Chief Secretary, Head of the College and Head Tutor, Education President, Director of Christian Education, the Head Minister of Tongatapu, Minister for Kolomotu’a, the Head Ministers of the Districts, Representatives from the Church, Representatives of Past Students, Representatives of Present Students of the Theological College.

2. The Committee will be responsible for this work:

a)      The lessons to be done and the College work and everything in relation to the living of the Students at Sia’atoutai.

e)      The buildings and financial matters.

f)       The selection of applicants to be accepted into the College.

h)      Advise the Conference in relation to the selection of the Trainee Ministers, the training of the Trainee and Probationary Ministers.

3. The Committee will meet at least once a Quarter.

4. If a meeting is to be held, it will be conducted using these questions:

a)      Who is here with us?

e)      How are the buildings and school furniture?

f)       How is the financial report?

h)      What can we do to greatly improve the work, or any work that we will authorise to be done?

i)        Is there anything that we are concerned about?

k)      Where and when will be the next meeting?

Daily Readings

Lau Folofola Faka'aho


Grace is the “the free and unmerited act of God through which we, the fallen creatures, are restored to God’s original favour” -- John Wesley.