Kupu I: Ko e Māmani na‘e Fakatupu

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Ko e me‘a kotoa pē ‘o e Fakatupú ‘oku ‘a e ‘Otuá, pea ‘oku ‘atautolu ke fakakaukau‘i ha founga ki hono ngāue‘akí, pe ko hano tukuaki‘i kitautolu ki ha‘atau ngāue hala‘aki. ‘Oku taau ai ke fai hono tauhi, malu‘i mo e mahu‘inga‘ia ‘i he ngaahi me‘a kotoa pē ‘o e Fakatupú, koe‘uhi ko e Fakatupu ia ‘a e ‘Otuá, kae ‘ikai ‘uhinga ko ‘enau ‘aonga pē ki he fa‘ahinga ‘o e Tangatá. ‘Oku kau ki he ngaahi me‘a ko ení ‘a e vaí, ‘eá, kelekelé, ngaahi ma‘u‘anga iví, ‘akaú, fanga monumanú mo e ‘ataá. ‘Oku ‘i ai ‘a e fatongia ‘o e Siasí ki he to‘onga mo‘ui mo ha liliu ‘i he sōsaietí ke fakatupulekina ai ‘a e mo‘ui leleí mo e faka‘ofo‘ofa fakaenatula na‘e fakatupu ki ai ‘a e fo‘i māmaní.

Daily Readings

Lau Folofola Faka'aho


Grace is the “the free and unmerited act of God through which we, the fallen creatures, are restored to God’s original favour” -- John Wesley.